This is a movie review of “Schooling the World.” I won’t tell you anything about it. See it.
While you’re here…. I am very well educated. Yet, there is so much I don't understand.
For instance, there are individuals in the world who have billions of dollars. I don’t mean I don’t understand how that could be fair. Well, that, too.
I mean, I can’t really comprehend billions of dollars, and I definitely don’t get it that any single person has that many of them. It’s a number on a piece of paper, right? I mean, after the 20,000 square foot house and the fully staffed personal jet and the $5,000 bottle of wine, it’s numbers on a piece of paper, right? It isn’t a pile of dollars somewhere.
There are more than 6 billion people in the world. About 80% of them live on less than ten dollars per day. About 40% of them live on less than two dollars per day. I don’t mean I don’t understand how that could be fair. Well, that, too.
I mean, I can’t really comprehend billions of people, and I definitely don’t get it that any single person can survive on less than two dollars per day. Each of these people has this amount of money, and they pay it to various other people. Does that happen? That money actually pays for food and clothes and shelter and anything else that costs money to live a life? I don’t understand the arithmetic.
Millions of people pay more than two and a half billion people less than two dollars per day – to do what? (And can it be done without billionaires?) I don’t understand.
This is a movie review of “Schooling the World.” I won’t tell you anything about it. See it.