Instead of one huge chronological archive of Manufactured Mailbags since 1981, it has been broken into several somewhat reasonably separate themes.
- Letters from "A friend" - CampChuck or Newsletter Related Letters - Movie or Actor Related Letters - Sort-of Movie Related Letters - Miscellaneous Letters
plus where manufactured letters came from (besides the ones from "a friend")
You'll find the definitive letter and response in the 1993 edition:
Dear Editor,
My husband gave me one of those looks. He says, “Pinny.” He calls me Pinny. He says, “Pinny, those letters to the editor aren’t real. Don’t you get it?” I says, “Hiney.” I just always called him Hiney. I says, “Hiney, I don’t always get it, but I get it sometimes.”
That’s okay, isn’t it?
Pinhedda Hiney, Hollowtater, ID
Dear Pinny,
It’s better if you get it just once, but sometimes is probably enough. Ed.
This may be a special retrospective Manufactured Mailbag edition of The CampChuck Reviewer, but there is still new Manufactured Mail for 2011 to process:
Dear Editor, [2011]
Which do you think are better: boxing movies or food movies?
Rachel Ray Robinson, Clovis, NM
Dear Rachel, [2011]
Talk about comparing apples and upper cuts. Boxing movies contain more readily realizeable movie juices, but a story well choreographed around a food theme, pound for pound, is more gratifying. Ed. *****
Dear Editor, [2011] I’ve been thinking you were already fairly over the hill when you started this newsletter gig. Don’t get me wrong, dude. You’ve shown your chops now and again, but man, I kinda see you kicking back and tossing out a “Greatest Hits” type issue or two before you, well, you know.
A friend, Los Angeles
Dear friend, [2011] Well, someone knows. Meanwhile, issues happen. Ed. *****