CampChuck continues as it has since 1992, matching every subscription dollar for dollar. All subscriptions – close to 47,000 plus CampChuck’s 100% match of close to $47,000 -- have funneled through CampChuck to RMI and Food Banks. Whether you subscribe at the official $5 level or the average participation of $30, think sustainable economic practice and the golden rule. And think access to CampChuck’s newsletters.
Please, send “subscription” donations to CampChuck 16669 Patricia Way, Grass Valley, CA 95949
Please, make checks payable to
"Food Bank of Nevada County" or “Rocky Mountain Institute” or "Futures without Violence"
Food Bank of Nevada County
CampChuck continues its encouragement of the fundamental human sharing embodied by the “Food Banking” concept. Since CampChuck resides in Nevada County, CA, please make checks payable to “Food Bank of Nevada County.”
Rocky Mountain Institute
This nonprofit helps individuals and communities and businesses and governments to make money, yes, make money, by being smart about the environment. By research and science, by education and negotiation, by example, the Rocky Mountain Institute helps us … and the U.S. … and the world “us” to make long term economic sense by making long term environmental sense.
The website points to this as a trusted 30-year-old organization. It provides resources, training, and technical assistance to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, violence, and more. It helps increase the safety and economic security of vulnerable workers by building inno-vative partnerships between anti-violence advocates & service providers; and companies, unions & worker associations.