“Into Eternity” is the coolest depressing film ever made. Well…. it’s the coolest depressing documentary film ever made.
Rather than tell you much about this film, imagine part of a conversation that I want you to overhear.
Interviewer: Can you name something that will live for 100,000 years?
Scientist/Poet: I don’t know.
Interviewer: You mean you don’t know anything that will live for 100,000 years?
Scientist/Poet: No, I mean the power and beauty of the concept “I don’t know” will live longer than anything we do know. Whether there are still people to entertain survival in 100,000 years, whether anything lives for 100,000 years, what we didn’t know will resonate across millennia more vibrantly than whatever all we knew.
See “Into Eternity.” Its lighting and tone, its voice and music, its sense of place and pace, its rationality and its trace of emotional accent … these elements will seep into your body and lodge themselves in some recess of your brain.
Look into eternity through a place called Onkalo. Onkalo means the “hidden place.” Onkalo is a place you should “remember forever to forget.” Look at a massive little project in the small global state of Finland.
“Into Eternity” is a science fiction documentary. What does that mean? I don’t know