Tickling the Dire and What You Can Do [How to Boil a Frog]
Global Warming isn’t the problem. Having to hear about Global Warming, that’s the problem. It’s happening. It’s not happening. It’s our fault. It’s not our fault. We can do something about it. We can’t do anything about it. We have to try. Why bother?
Shut up.
We’re people though. We like to express ourselves. We can’t help it. People have to spew about something between the violence, boredom, and celebrity oo la la. Assuming that Global Warming is an inescapable topic, can we at least make it entertaining? Is there any chance we could make it funny?
The film “How to Boil a Frog” entertains well. It’s quite funny. It sweeps you through the dire muck and depressing mire of impending doom. It refreshes your knowledge about Global Warming AGAIN. Repetitions, mush brain. They build strong muscles.
More notably, this film outlines a substantial regimen of what you can do.
Whether you consider “An Inconvenient Truth” a milestone or a hackle raiser, thankfully, the guy on screen throughout “How to Boil a Frog” is not Al Gore. This guy is nobody in particular, and that’s part of his message. The subtitle of the movie is “make friends / make fun / make trouble.”
It’s a well constructed call to action, or at least a feature length realization of intelligent sketch comedy.