Here’s a way you can do your part to address climate change. Reduce your helicopter flights by 80 percent. This is what a couple of guys who make skiing videos reported doing in an extreme sports documentary called “The Curve of Time.” Closer to something a wide swath of people might consider, they also cut airline flights for a year – from 17 down to 1.
This film does a good and a creative job of something that has been on the rise in recent years. Extreme adventure and sports films more frequently dial-in issue consciousness with the thrills and accomplishment.
In “The Curve of Time,” Chris Rubens and Greg Hill used only an electric car and leg power to tackle six major volcanic peaks in the Cascade Range of the US northwest. As part of the film’s gimmick, they are filming video time capsules, talking to themselves in 30 years.
Bicycling to a mountain carrying their skis, walking to a summit carrying their skis, helps us reflect on clever references to receding glaciers and snow levels.
Amidst a series of ski scenes filled with beauty and fun, they wonder what one person can do about daunting climate change. Wearing their adventurer hats, they say, “I never start off thinking I can’t climb a mountain. I break it up into small steps.” They figured out that they cut in half their carbon footprint without feeling they shortchanged their ski year.