It’s North Dakota, fgahdsakes. If there is a state in the United States less on the way to anywhere and more nothing there when you’re there, please put it up for contention. You can barely find a head to count in the third least populated state. North Dakota’s idea of a National Park is “ooh, look at the prairie grass blowing in the wind.”
Sorry, let me start over. Jobs are a very important issue. Jobs are booming in North Dakota. Energy must come from somewhere, lots of it. The boom in mining North Dakota’s Bakkan Formation is underway and growing fast. Let’s grant that there are some unfortunate side effects to mining. If we must frack somewhere – steering clear of far off, Sharia Law Arab countries – can’t we at least volunteer North Dakota?
The film “A Boom with No Boundaries” is only five minutes long, but it’s easy to mine a whopping big discussion from it.